CODA,是“Child Of a Deaf Adult”的缩写,即听障者家庭的子女。对普通人来说非常震撼的电影,本片四个字:「举重若轻」。没有刻意渲染苦难,甚至他们的家庭已经算不错。对听障者来说,睡觉时如何知道宝宝晚上在哭;因为听不到要眼睛一直盯着爱玩爱动的小宝宝,走在路上听不到后面汽车的喇叭声,参加家长会怎么跟老师交流,遇到陌生人上门的尴尬,孩子在外打电话来只是听听孩子声音……那些生活中不被注意的细节,于他们处处是障碍。当然作为子女,也承受了很多。但正如爸爸说的,Every family has their own problems, I guess.
Chris 一切由无聊开始发表于: 67小时前
when i saw the doctor, i never thought he would be bad, i thought he is come to save the character and save the world. but the true is ugly, people is worse (before or after 28 days). like the one of the film's theme.