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BBC 澳大利亚9.0

类型:未知英国 2013 




《BBC 澳大利亚》是西蒙·里夫导演的一部超级经典的片,该剧讲述了:

  Simon's adventure starts in the magnificent 'red centre' of the continent and onwards through South Australia, via the extraordinary Indian Pacific Railway until he reaches the west coast city of Perth.
  On the way, he joins an Aussie rancher in the parched outback and takes part in a spectacular camel round-up. This mad aventure, involving specially adapted off-road vehicles and a chopper, is part of an ongoing effort to stop the damaging spread of up to a million feral camels across the country.
  Simon also passes through Australia's wine country and to the lucrative tuna fishing city of Port Lincoln, and he investigates the impact these trades are having on the environment. In Western Australia, he joins a 21st century gold rush - part of the resource boom that has made Australia one of the richest countries in the world.
  Finally in Perth, Simon discovers a full scale British invasion. Working in a mine or driving a lorry can bring a salary of a hundred thousand pounds a year, as evidenced when Simon meets a former binman from hull who is now living the dream, with a beautiful house in the sun, private pool and his very own boat.


BBC 澳大利亚影片的精彩影评

  • Fighting发表于: 22小时前
    耗资1.75亿美元,BBC 澳大利亚外加一大堆明星配音,就这水平???中文名居然还加上奇幻冒险???exm???根本就毫无惊险刺激可言,这完全就是一部小孩子看的电影。低幼无趣、枯燥乏味,一点新意都没有。同时,在我眼中这还是一部杂乱无章的电影,从头到尾都是灾难。剪辑糟糕,场景糟糕,剧本糟糕,表演糟糕。虽然我很喜欢唐尼,但是这次他扮演的杜立德医生明显是不及格的,超低配版杰克船长???
  • 斜影墨伤发表于: 108小时前
    看了Jackie才知道,这部片居然不是讲成龙的,感觉被骗了! with Anana
  • 有心打扰发表于: 147小时前
  • V for Vendetta发表于: 69小时前
  • 二又发表于: 153小时前
    胡金铨真的never let me down,其实与其和新BBC 澳大利亚对比,不如和胡自己的迎春阁之风波对比,同样是塞外酒馆、封闭空间的群戏,胡的场面调度、动作节奏、甚至一部分动作设计,真的很大程度受京戏的影响,动作戏里的打板听着真的太亲切了。张弛有度,更喜欢客栈内的戏,但其实后半部分室外的戏,我依然是喜欢胡金铨版胜过徐克版,徐克飞是飞,但很多时候都太糙,胡金铨的细腻、沉稳、渊渟岳峙,真的令人倾倒。以及,石隽真好看!